Thursday, June 7, 2012


So I wanted to write this great moment in time, but haven't had the chance till now... On the flight from San Francisco I was next to a small women from Loas. She didn't speak much at the beginning, or the first 4 hours of the flight. Well I was dead asleep (after taking my sleeping pill in hour 3 of my flight) and with about 6 hours left in the flight she nudges me awake and says 'you don't want to sleep, when you get to china you will want to sleep, it's night time. So wake up.' I obeyed her and then we talked randomly for the next 6 hours, as groggy as I was I made a fabulous hilarious friend. She told me about her 40 year marriage and two girls living in America. She joked and we laughed about the fat American next to her, lol. I loved her and was so excited to meet more amazing friend to look out for me!

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