Monday, March 21, 2011


I feel like everyone I speak to is grasping for breath... Let me preface this, everyone in this life must face trials and each of them are completely different. For the most part we are trying to do our best to be a good citizen, friend, husband, wife, daughter, mother, lover, neighbor, etc. For me at this moment, I feel like life has become a whole lot of distractions, not necessarily bad distractions but pulling at me in every direction. Some days it feels like it takes everything I have to just lift my head up for a breath. The world is spinning all around us and all we can do now is to remember the few things that we can hold onto that will give us the strength to pull us completely into the eye of the pool. For some of us it is our family, friends, spirituality, God, love, etc. Some days we are gasping more than others... I just hope we can each find that strength to make it out.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Currently living

After 5 years of being out of school…it seems impossible to start again. My mind ponders, how was I ever able to do this before? But the refining process has begun. I am now finishing my first class in my graduate program and I am getting better and better at using my time wisely. I am learning and growing daily. I am currently living in Arizona and attending the NAU Masters in School Counseling at their extension campuses.

On top school I am continuing to work full time, as a travel agent. I don’t stay still well, so my occasional weekend trips continually happen. Plus I recently got called as the Mia Maid advisor and I am going to Girls camp as the ward cabin mom! Then on top of all of this, yes it must be said; I am still single and trying to meet a boy. I have realized that I need to just prioritize my time effectively to make my life bearable for now.

I have also began to listen to Dave Ramsey and his budgeting ways… I am trying to pay off my student debt (as I accumulate more, bahahaha). I am just trying to be more intelligent in all aspects of my life.

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." -- Helen Keller.