Monday, January 25, 2010


As children we are taught so many things regarding relationships with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Family. These are just some of the fundamentals of Primary that we learn. I have been trying to go back to these simple principals. Trying to go back to where it all began; where we became, who we are today. Not only in our religious beliefs, but in what we do, where we go, who we are friends with, who we marry, etc.

I think by coming out here, it has helped me re-focus so many aspects of my life. To try to figure out what is important to me, to think about what I want to do, or more accurately what I don't want to do! I am still searching for so many things: my career, my home, my husband, MY life!

Believe me when I say, this is only the beginning...I don't know if I have found any of the answers to any of my questions. But luckily for me, I am given the opportunity to continue the search...

A lot of these pictures are taken from the Auckland Zoo. It was pretty amazing to see most of these animals not behind glass, just a rope. Loved it.

1 comment:

The Clark Family said...

Hi Brynie! Sounds like you are having the most incredible experience over there! Love ya!