I have wanted to visit South America for a long time. I love the Latin culture and was trying to find any excuse to get there. I met Jonathan and Jason in December and they told me about their trip to Ecuador in February...and invited me along. Now first off, I don't speak Spanish. I do follow it well, but speaking is a whole other story. Jonathan and Jason both served their missions here, so I figured I was safe.
The trip began with an amazing woman named Digna. She welcomed us into her home, food, beds and showers. Day one she invited some investigators of the church over for dinner and then we were suppose to teach a lesson. Little did I know that would also be participating. I was asked to sing a solo for them. Now the language barrier was bad enough, but singing...AHHHH! And that is how the adventures began. Ecuador was a spot that I would have never believed I would care to go back. But everything about this country welcomes a humble traveler. Every person we met was financially poor, but they fed and helped us in every way they could. If there is one thing I can say about Ecuadorians, they do not lack Spirit. I loved them.
My journal: 'Day 11 As I sit back and think about these people, I am amazed. They have nothing. Yet they have everything because they have the Gospel and are willing to give everything because of the Gospel. What an incredible testimony'.
We did a lot of traveling on this trip. We were on buses, plans, cars, walking, running and hiking. We walked on roads that have dogs that are scarier than guns! We cut down and swung from the vines of banana trees in the jungle. I was rescued by a life guard in the ocean..haha! We went to the Center of the Earth. We sang, we talked, we shopped we laughed, we ate and I fell in love with a people so different from my own.
Places visited: Quito, Centre del Mundo, Guayaquil, Monte Cristi, Manta, a 'Red Zone' along the coast, Quebedo, Montenita, Las Salinas, Viche, Quinnende, Otovalo...(I am sure that some of these are spelled wrong and we visited a few more spots, unfortunately I didn't write everything down)
Driving through the jungle I had to stop and get this absolutely amazing picture.
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